The Herbicidal Maniac

I was searching the internet a while back and I stumbled upon this article. I was going to use it for a project but I simply left it. There are now no websites containing information on this incident.

The Article

On June 18th, 2001.
A horrible herbicide took place in Edgefield County last night.
Ten-year-old Passion Fruit was found dead freshly picked from the vineyards.
The roots were lacerated and mangled beyond recognition.
"It is very tragic," says a next-vine neighbor of Passion, "she was a sweet loving fruit and never done anything wrong. How could this be?"
"I knew Passion like a sister," says Passion's boyfriend, Grapefruit, "she was kind and happy, and always made cute mistakes. I just l-love her..."
"I can not believe some one would do this to such a nice girl," says Passion's mother, "our only child, and on the night of her tenth birthday, this is what happened, she got p-PICKED!" Passion's mother cuts, off, sobbing dramatically.
There are no suspects, although many have been wrongfully accused by the authorities.
One of a claimed witness who had seen the man says:
"He had long black hair, and bloody smile that seemed to be carved into his face, and he didn't blink. His skin was paper-white and his eyes were bloodshot, and of course he wore a white hoodie and skinny black jeans."
If you know a suspect or someone who might fit this description, then please call your local police station at 666.